
Infantry School Recruitment 2022. Indian Army Headquarters, Infantry School Mhow, Belgaum (Belagavi) has issued a recruitment notification to fill Group C posts. Candidates interested in these vacancies can apply online through the full details of the vacancies.

The application form is in the Notification PDF given below. Please download it and send the required documents with the completed application form to the following address. The cover letter of the application should be written to the post on which the application is.

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Apply now: Infantry School Recruitment 2022

Industry: Infantry School (Government of India)
Working Place: Across India

Name of post: Mhow, Belgaum (Belagavi)
Number of post: Various Vacancy

Qualification : SSLC, PUC
Experience: Not Applicable

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Details of the posts of Belgaum Center of Karnataka
Lower Division Clerk: 8
Stenographer Grade 2: 2
Civilian Motor Driver: 13
Cook: 12
Artist or Model Maker: 01

Details of the posts of Mhow Station
Draftsman: 1
Lower Division Clerk: 10
Stenographer Grade 2: 2
Civilian Motor Driver: 19
Cook: 31
Translator: 1
Barber: 1

Most important Links

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years Maximum 30 years. Age relaxation as per guidelines.
How to apply: Offline

Belgaum Station posts Application address:
The Presiding Offer, Civilian Direct Recruitment, Application Scrutiny Board, JL Wing, The Infantry School, Belgaum (Karnataka) Station.

Mhow Station posts Application address:
The Presiding Offer, Civilian Direct Recruitment, Application Scrutiny Board, The Infantry School, Mhow (MP) – 453441.

Important dates

Start date for application: 15-06-2022
Last date to apply: 25-07-2022

Website link:
