The Karnataka High Court has issued a notification for the appointment of 33 Clerk Cum Research Assistant posts. Interested and Eligible Candidates Apply by Knowing the Following Details.
Name of post: Legal Clerk Cum Research Assistant
Number of post: 33
Job Category: Govt Job
- Passed in Law Degree with a Certified Degree, not less than 50%.
- Age limit of 30 years should not be exceeded by the last date of application.
- Must be registered as Advocate in the State Bar Council of Karnataka.
- Must computer knowledge.
Selection process?
The Merit List is prepared based on the academic scores and extra-curricular achievements of the applicants. They will be interviewed and selected for the post based on the marks obtained in the interview.
How to apply?
Interested and eligible candidates visit the official website of the Karnataka High Court. Download the ‘Law Clerk Come Research Assistant’ notification for the appointment, fill in the application form along with the required documents to the following address.
Application last date: 17-11-2020
Address to Apply: Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore.