Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) has been invited to fill 112 Trade (ITI) Apprentice Vacancies. Interested candidates can apply online by August 10, 2021.
Candidates with a maximum age of 21 years can apply. OBC candidates have been given 3 years and the SC / ST / Disabled candidates have been given 5 years age limit.
Candidates with ITI qualifications can apply. Candidates selected for the post of Trade Apprentice will be given a salary ranging from Rs.7,987 / – to Rs.8,985 / -.per month.
Candidates for Trade Apprentice Vacancies will be selected on merit basis.
Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) job recruitment -2021
Industry: Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) (Government of India)
Working Place: India.
Name of post: Apprentice
Number of post: 112
Salary: Rs.7987/- to Rs.8985/- per month (Stipend during training period of One year)
Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) job-2021 Eligibility Criteria
- Qualification : ITI
- Experience: Not Applicable
- Age Limit: Minimum 18 years to Maximum 25 years
- How to apply: Online
Interested candidates can visit the official website of online. Application can be submitted by August 10,2021 by filling out the information requested there.
Important dates
Online Application Start Date: 24-07-2021
Online Application Closing Date: 10.08.202
Look forward to reading the candidates’ notification about recruitment and read the 3rd page.